
Who are Samil Power?

Who are Samil Power?

Samil Power Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of the Samil Group, which was founded in Korea in 1992. Initially focusing on variable speed drives and lift controllers, the company expanded into the solar inverter market in 2008. The Samil Group has a strong history in manufacturing variable speed drivers and lift controllers.

Specialising in research and development, production, sales, marketing, and service, Samil Power rapidly emerged as a global leader in the solar inverter industry. At their peak, they employed a workforce of over 700 employees worldwide and the company offered a comprehensive product portfolio catering to diverse solar power applications.

From small residential rooftop systems to large-scale utility-scale plants, Samil Power provided a range of solutions, including micro inverters, string inverters, and MW-level central inverters. These innovative products are designed to maximise energy yield and minimise investment payback periods.

Once possessing a global footprint spanning 20+ countries, including Australia, the UK, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, France, China, and more, Samil Power has installed over 200,000 string inverters.

In 2017, Samil Power UK Limited entered into a creditors' voluntary liquidation, leading to concerns about the company's future. Further information on what has happened to Samil Power’s presence in the industry is limited, with no official website available, and reports of unanswered warranty claims from customers.

Yahoo Finance reported in 2023 that Samil Power Co. Ltd is still a ‘major player in the string inverter market’ alongside other notable manufacturers such as Fronius, Growatt and SMA Solar.

Samil Power Inverter Models

Samil Power manufactures both domestic (SolarRiver) and three-phase commercial (SolarLake) inverters.

Residential Models include:

  • SolarRiver 1100TL

  • SolarRiver 1600TL

  • SolarRiver 2300TL

  • SolarRiver 3000TL

  • SolarRiver 3400TL-D

  • SolarRiver 3500TL

  • SolarRiver 3700TL

  • SolarRiver 4000TL-D

  • SolarRiver 4500TL-D

  • SolarRiver 5000TL-D

  • SolarRiver 5200TL-D

Commercial Models include:

  • SolarLake 5500TL-PM

  • SolarLake 7000TL-PM

  • SolarLake 8500TL-PM

  • SolarLake 10000TL-PM

  • SolarLake 12000TL-PM

  • SolarLake 15000TL-PM

  • SolarLake 17000TL-PM

  • SolarLake 20000TL-PM

  • SolarLake 30000TL-PM

Samil Power Inverter Error Codes

As your Samil Power inverter was most likely installed around their global popularity in the early 2010’s, it is more likely to experience errors or faults as it becomes to the end of its lifespan. Below are some of the most common SolarRiver error codes or faults.

  • Consistent Fault - CPU or other circuitry failure

  • Relay Failure - Relay has failed between the grid and inverter

  • SCI Failure - Internal communication failure in the MCU

  • High DC Bus - DC bus voltage has risen higher than the overvoltage trip point

  • DC Sensor Fault - Input DC detector failure

  • GFCI Failure - Leakage in the current detecting circuit causing failure of the inverter

What are the next steps for my Samil Power Inverter?

With the uncertainty around Samil Power’s presence in the UK for its previous customers, a Samil Power inverter experiencing technical issues or errors may be a cause for concern as claiming back on any warranty you still have may be difficult.

Do I need to replace my Samil Power Inverter?

If your inverter is over 10 years old, it may be coming to the end of its lifespan. A replacement may be the most cost and time-effective option if you are unable to contact Samil Power for a warranty claim. A replacement inverter will ensure you get your solar PV system back up and generating again.

Atlantic Renewables can provide expert advice and a range of like-for-like replacements for your inverter, with quality installation and dedicated after-care. Call us today on 0161 207 4044 and get your solar PV system working and generating power.

Atlantic Renewables

Atlantic Renewables are a solar PV design and installation company, providing affordable solutions in Manchester, Cheshire and throughout the North West.